Businesses are now being sued by visually-impaired users who cannot access their website content.
Recent rulings have unleashed lawsuits across the USA, and businesses are rushing to retool their websites to allow access to people with impaired sight.
These lawsuits are being filed in virtually every state, and in every industry.
According to the NY Times, about two-thirds of the cases were filed in New York.

Protect yourself from future lawsuits.
Get a FREE consultation to find out of your site is at risk.
"We got a summons dated Feb 8th and your work was done by the 4th. Glad we updated the site when we did."
"Coding a website so the words are read aloud and graphics are described to people costs as much as $100,000, according to an expert who testified on behalf of grocer Winn Dixie."
"Businesses say they expect to reach settlements of about $10,000 to $15,000 each."
"Thousands of businesses, including hotels, resorts, universities, and restaurants have been served with complaints."
"With a free widget from WordPress... He was not sure if that made him fully compliant; the lawsuit against his gallery is still pending."